We Help You Build the Chamber Community of the Future

Join the transformation of traditional chamber of commerce service delivery models, through a proven methodology and an innovative virtual reality and AI driven platform. Take the Acuity Chamber Index and understand where to start improving how to serve your community.

Are you ready to thrive? The Acuity 1×4 Model will help you map your growth:

  • Is your strategic intent tied to your vision and values;
  • Are your financial resources aligned with business objectives;
  • Are business opportunities aligned and supportive of business objectives; and,
  • Have sufficient resources invested to delivery its VALUED products and services.

Hundreds of Small Businesses Have Charted Their Growth Paths with the Acuity Model

We have partnered with several chambers of commere to help their members understand their shortcomings and create a focused growth plan that delivers results every time.

Benefits for Chambers of Commerce

The CCoF Program provides chambers of commerce with a powerful toolbox to improve members services, increase funding sources and make a larger impact on their members growth. Chambers will achieve:

Expanded Strategic Influence

Laser-focused chamber strategic intent and direction for growth, influence and impact with a proven practical IT -driven “virtual chamber of the future” approach.

Expanded Financial & Funding Sources

Increased membership paid fees or sponsorships. Increased access to new talent, treasure and time contributors. Expanded revenue generating membership services & offerings

Expanded Business Opportunities

Growth in engaged membership with increased critical mass of enterprises. Ability to expand
commerce and business entrepreneurship leveraging technology.

Enhanced Organizational Efficiency & Effectiveness

Leveraging of Web3 and AI in an expanded virtual landscape to delivery membership services and value.

Register here!

And don’t miss out on this chance to discover new ways to grow your business learning from the experts.

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